Cirebon became the next destination after Lembang. Through this story you'll agree a hundred percent that my hometown is gorgeous country.
Kejawenan is the name of one beach in Cirebon. It was located in Kejawenan village, near to Pegambiran. Almost everyday this beach is filled by students, young couples, children and local tourist; not only come from Cirebon but also other cities. They come to this recreation area because they want to recover their body; throw away the diseases; and sure, to make their mind fresh (then say good bye to stress). Yes, according to the vendors there, Kejawenan beach has high salinity. It can improve your skin health, etc. One thing they believe, it would be good if you come on Kliwon Friday Nite (Jum’at Kliwon – Javanese calendar). Hmm… I don’t know the detail reasons why should be that time, but based on mine, everyday is a good time.
I really enjoyed the view even though the sand was not clean enough at that day. One unique thing happens here, you can walk to the middle of beach at 2 till 3 PM because the water is low tide. And around 3 to 4 PM you will be in the middle of the beach. How come? Yes, the sand in the middle of kejawenan beach is higher than in the edge, but come back soon to the edge before the sun sets or you will sink!
There is another facility here; you can rent a dinghy (small rubber ship), just pay ten thousand rupiahs and you can around this beach with no time limit, wow! Do you wanna try? Visit Cirebon, and if I am there; have free time, I’ll accompany you, Insha Allah.
Additional, restaurants are available around the beach (small resto).
The ticket price to enter the beach is only a thousand rupiah per person.
If you really want to help to improve the facility here, you can share your money through the box below! Nice box ^^
Special thanks to my old friend, Icang. I asked him to accompany me. He helped me so much in the middle of his busy times. Thank you for your time uda ^^ (next destination: pelangon! Ready?)
If you are willing to score the beach (between 1-10). What score will you give to it? I'll consider to make an excursion then :)
As a good citizen, I'll give 6,8 hehe... but it will be 9 soon.
Visit the beach first bro,, then you have a right to give a score ^^
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