Here, the important of going to school.
Do not ever try to leave the class oft because stupidity's gonna haunt you. See, the driver of the white car in the picture I shot. Perhaps the driver is an expert in driving but unfortunately, the driver cannot read.
01 Dec 10 07.33 PM
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Korean Food? Here!
Hi bloggers! How’s life?
Me? Aha, Yippie, got something new to share. Ops, I don’t know whether you ever hear about it or not but, yep, just check it out yaa..
Guys, you know, lately I am really curious with everything that smells soooo Korea (lee minho), haha… I mean everything that relates to Korea: language, culture, and yes, right, FOOOOOOD ^^
Hmm… I think for now it’s impossible for me to go to Korea Restaurant alone since I heard that the price of them is so shocking. Yeah, saving and asking friends to go there with you is one way to make it real, right?
But oh my, how lucky I am when my beloved teacher invites me and my friends to have dinner in one Korean Restaurant in Bandung. Wow! No need to think again and I say directly “YES” haha :) You know, when you come there I guarantee it feels like in Korea because most people who come there are Korean, they are talking Korean loudly. Ooh, hopefully after having dinner there I can speak Korean fluently (ops) or I meet big hearted person who will invite me to visit his or her country, KOREA, freely!
Well guys, some tips for you if you have a plan to eat in Korean Restaurant: first, make sure that you order halal food because some Korean foods are not halal for Moslems. Second, it’s better for you who don’t have pretty money to go there with a lot of friends because the food’s price is so wow (for info, a little bowl of rice is 15.000 rupiahs and one little menu for one person is about 60.000 to 80.000 rupiahs). I suggest you to order one food (big menu) that can be shared for more than five people (My teacher did it and it works ^^). Third, just act like that it’s not your first time come to that restaurant because when you act like it’s your first time, they only give you little appetizer or dessert or even they won’t give it to you.
Here they are, KOREAN FOOD!
Kimchi is traditional food in Korea, consist of vegetables.
For info, most Korean food is spicy.
picture above is 해물전골 (Haemul Jeon Gol), taste? soooo yummy!
above is 김치전골 (Kimchi Jeon Gol) sooo spicy!
yep, thank to 제 선생님 ^^
25 Nov 10 09.36 PM
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Traditional Toilet
New Age, New Experience, means Traveling!
Yippie, last year I went to Yogyakarta to fill my day. And now (October-2010) Ciamis becomes the next destination of my life’s journey. The main reason why I choose Ciamis because I want to visit Pangandaran beach, most people said that Pangandaran is the most beautiful beach in West Java. I spent three days in Cimerak, Ciamis, West Java. I stay overnight at my best friend’s house. How lucky I am when my friend said that her family has wide agricultural field and some ponds. I asked her to bring me to see them. I am really curious with the real condition of Cimerak village. And, wow! It is so amazing; everything’s still green and you know, the weather is so fresh. Something unique that I found in this place is traditional toilet. I can’t believe that some of people there still use such a toilet. One thing that I still think about, the position of that traditional toilet is in the pond. And that pond has so many kinds of fish. In short, they loosen the bowels there and they eat the fish in that pond too. Hmm… sounds disgusting but it happens.
Look at the picture! Haha.. I can’t!
10 Nov 10 10.22 AM
My Day
Rice! Will make you little bit Crazy ^^
Always! When I feel bored, I try to go somewhere that I never visit before.
Again! Getting bored because of my final paper (skripsi), I decided to go to cinema and watched movie. Hmm.. so sorry, I forgot the title of the movie; I just remembered what I ate, yes, Nasi Gila!
Nasi Gila or Crazy Rice (red- English version ^^v) is rice that completed with small egg, some slices of meat, sauce, and ups, forget, take a look to the pict ya!
You know, the price is only about 8.000 rupiahs. Do you wanna taste it? Just visit small resto near to Braga City Walk.
And the taste? It will make you crazy, just a little bit crazy, don’t worry.
10 Nov 10 08.56 AM
We are soooo lucky!
Don’t you realize that you and I are sooo lucky. Why? Because I believe that you who are reading my blog are people who have a great opportunity to have a seat in formal education for years; feel how great the taste of the school is. There, we fight with books and pens in the comfortable room with air conditioner that we can control it whenever we want.
See! compare it with the picture of the boy that I took months ago. What we must do is be grateful.
10 Nov 10 08.42 AM
Monday, May 24, 2010
Blunt Words
Sometimes you need to go somewhere you love, alone.
Sometimes you need to talk to yourself outside, alone.
Eating durian is very very fascinating activity. Hmm... the smell and the taste of this expensive fruit always flirting me to eat more and more. Not only me who love this fruit, but also all members in my family except my lil brother hihi... When we gather, we always buy some durians, precious moment! And you know, my brother becomes my rival since he also crazy about durian just like me (piss A) ^^v
One day in my free time, I went to Durian Corner in Bandung, around Dago. I ordered a cup of an chocolate durian ice. Then suddenly after I ate that ice I found something WOW in the table; a sentence that make me laugh alone just like insane person at that time.
"Think Twice Before U Do That" with four exclamations.
Yes, perhaps the owner has good aim by writing that sentence; to aware the customer for being a good and polite guy; keep everything ok. But I think, that is a very blunt warning since the words are not polite enough and emphasized with four exclamations. Not only that, you will find other blunt warnings in some corners in this place. I found another in Cashier. Hmmm..."nice" method!
Whatever they do, I still love Durian, Lho? ^^
24 May 10 01.34
Mie Koc(L)ok Kota Udang
Hello friends!
This is it, a special delicious yummy food from my hometown, Shrimp City. Well, Im gonna introduce to you, the main ingredient of this food is noodles. It is completed with tauge, chicken meat, some slices of eggs, and onion leaves. The most unique one is white soup. Right, the soup is poured around all ingredients. My mum said it made from cornstarch mix with water and some cooking spices (hihi... I dunno exactly).
Guys, I really love this food so much ^^. You only need eight thousand rupiah to taste it but me, Im free hihi... coz I often eat with my beloved brother, lho? ^^ yeah, Im a lucky sister!
Come to Cirebon and taste this food, MIE KOCOK CIREBON but sometimes some people called it as MIE KOCLOK CIREBON (with L in the middle). You can find it in hmm... I forgot the name of the area, but it is near MASJID MERAH and TK TPA AL IRSYAD.
Happy Visting My Hometown ^^
25 May 10 00.56
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Jayagiri to Tangkuban Perahu
Again, wanna share about my incredible weekend!
Getting bored with my final paper,
Really curious about this place,
And need to fresh my mind,
Those were my reasons for now’s journey.
HIKING, HIKING, AND HIKING, one of my hobbies. Last weekend in April, I went to this remarkable place. I have been living in Bandung since I enter my univ, around five years ago but I never visit this place. First, because I was busy with my routine activities and second, this is the big reason, no one had the willingnes to accompany me to say hello to this place hihi… yup, only a little my friend who love hiking.
Tangkuban Perahu! Yes, I drove myself to come to this place. I chose extraordinary way. I went there by public transportation and stopped in Jayagiri. Walking, hiking, breathing, taking picture, and jumping were what I did during my journey. Yes, thank Allah, finally you answer my dream.
To reach Tangkuban Perahu from Jayagiri, I need two and half hours, from 3 PM to 5.30 PM. Intentionally, I went there in the afternoon because I wanna catch the sunset there. Many people say to me that sunset in Tangkuban is a very fantastic time.
Yeah, it’s about 4 km. Wow! It’s very tiring yet amazing journey. I passed the long forest with kinds of trees, kinds of flower, and how great it is! I heard some strange sounds from animals I just knew, such as tonggerek, ape, and some birds. Their voices were very melodious.
Well to complete my story, here they are my pictures during my trip.
Im free (for a while) hehe..
I felt confused here, which one is the right way?
Finally, Im here ^^
I put it in my heart! Romantic sunset!
Guys, you must go to Tangkuban in Sunset time! And feel the romance ^^
21 May 10 01.43
Friday, March 5, 2010
Kejawenan Beach in Cirebon

Cirebon became the next destination after Lembang. Through this story you'll agree a hundred percent that my hometown is gorgeous country.
Kejawenan is the name of one beach in Cirebon. It was located in Kejawenan village, near to Pegambiran. Almost everyday this beach is filled by students, young couples, children and local tourist; not only come from Cirebon but also other cities. They come to this recreation area because they want to recover their body; throw away the diseases; and sure, to make their mind fresh (then say good bye to stress). Yes, according to the vendors there, Kejawenan beach has high salinity. It can improve your skin health, etc. One thing they believe, it would be good if you come on Kliwon Friday Nite (Jum’at Kliwon – Javanese calendar). Hmm… I don’t know the detail reasons why should be that time, but based on mine, everyday is a good time.
I really enjoyed the view even though the sand was not clean enough at that day. One unique thing happens here, you can walk to the middle of beach at 2 till 3 PM because the water is low tide. And around 3 to 4 PM you will be in the middle of the beach. How come? Yes, the sand in the middle of kejawenan beach is higher than in the edge, but come back soon to the edge before the sun sets or you will sink!
There is another facility here; you can rent a dinghy (small rubber ship), just pay ten thousand rupiahs and you can around this beach with no time limit, wow! Do you wanna try? Visit Cirebon, and if I am there; have free time, I’ll accompany you, Insha Allah.
Additional, restaurants are available around the beach (small resto).
The ticket price to enter the beach is only a thousand rupiah per person.
If you really want to help to improve the facility here, you can share your money through the box below! Nice box ^^
Yellow Rice

Last week, at Maulid Nabi Day Feb 26, 2010 or 12 Rabiul Awal on Friday, she cooked yellow rice; it was completed with vegetables; eggs; and etc. She loves share something to people around her. She is very nice mum; great woman. She cooked and shared them to our neighbors. The intention is to get Allah's blessing in our Prophet's day. This is only one of some ways we can do beside pray more and more absolutely.
Great job! Through hobby, she made people happy.
I hope, I can be the next, being a clever chef like my mum ^_^
Monday, February 22, 2010
Marvelous Traveling
What will you do when you were getting stuck; no idea; can't read; hard to write; not feel like to listen music even to sing? Fuiihh,,, freakish time! That was happen to me yesterday. Aha! I took a bath, wore casual dress, and then walked, dunno know the destination, and I thought on the way. Yippie! Got idea! Because I love nature so I decided to go to somewhere I haven't know yet. Curug (Waterfall) Cimahi ^^. Most people said that it's a cool place with five hundred ladder steps. Ow.. ow.. Can I step up and down those ladders alone? Crazy challenge! I made it :) I prepared anything from a huge bottle of mineral water, snack, candies, and absolutely it's a must, CamDi ^_^
First destination, Curug Dimahi!
The location is in Parongpong area. I took a ride two angkot (public transportation), you know, I dunno exactly the place so I asked people around me, and thanks God; they helped me. One suggestion for you, just be polite and give your best smile if you need people's help. Back! You only need 5.000 rupiahs, from Ledeng to Curug. Cheap for student like me!
Welcome to Curug Cimahi, it was Weekend, Sunday. Wow! Many people sto
od in front of ticket counter. Well, I thought they were queue but however I was not alone anymore ^^. I came close to that counter but "closed", what's happen? I asked to a woman there with my best polite attitude. She said that Curug Cimahi is closed because of landslide. Hufffttt.... little bit disappointed but doesn't matter, just say Alhamdulillah because I am safe; can’t imagine if I am in and the landslide comes.
But I promise one day I’ll come back and take pictures of waterfall for my loyal reader and you who curious bout it.
Second destination, Lembang!
From Curug Cimahi to Lembang, it takes forty five minutes with three angkot. You must dive into your pocket around 7.500 rupiahs. Then, I stopped in front of Pasar (Traditional market) Le
mbang, you know, the first thing I searched is Ketan Bakar (baked sticky rice). It is 4.000 rupiahs. Aha, it made my stomach full enough but I was curious with new menu, Colenak, I bought it and yummy, unique taste. But so sorry, I just took a picture of Ketan Bakan and me as a model ^^
Ketan Bakar
Third Destination, Café Sumur (Susu Murni)!
I used horse-drawn buggy to go there. Yep, it’s very traditional trans
portation. I only need pay a thousand rupiah. I arrived in the café and I was shocked. Why? Yup, the prize of all menus here are not economical for student. But the special thing here is, they provide various milk. I ordered a strawberry milk and Siomay. For two menus, I paid 18.000 rupiah, huks… >_< but fine, at least I got precious day.
I went at 10 A.M and came back to my room at 3 P.M. Wow! This traveling made me tired so I slept in the way back to home hahaha…
Here is a view in Cafe, a green pond ^^
Perhaps this traveling is strange because I did it alone. Haha… some people I met did not believe I was alone. In Curug, a woman asked where my couple is; the seller of Ketan Bakar delivered same question too. And then my bro also called me by ponsel and said how strange you are, dear! Hmmm… Whatever they said, I don’t care; sometimes we need spoiled our selves and have dating with your own soul ^^ don’t be afraid to go somewhere alone. If you have right intention, God with you!
So guys! Next marvelous traveling is waiting me, I’ll tell you more next time ^^
Happy traveling!!
Friday, January 15, 2010

In the last meeting, I wrote something in her hand and mine. Do you wanna know her? Hmmm... that's hard to take a photo with her ^^
However, lots of thank sista, I learned many things from you ^^
C.U next time... May Allah always in our heart and bless every step we have :)
Prince Mountain?
Question: Is there any Prince Mountain in this world? (hihi... gender mode on) ^^
Perfect Painting
The Noctune

After I explored the forest, I lay down my body on the green green grass, Subhanallah this is one of my dreams; have a wonderful sleep under the sky; have a made eyes at stars; feel a fresh wind caressed and spoiled me at night; and it comes true; I grateful to Allah.
Readers! I suggest you to try to lay down your body and self like what I've done; you can write everything or record your voice perhaps; put your problems at home. Feel the different sensation here!
Hopefully, I can feel this moment again next year; not alone :)
Panoramic Beauty
Three in One
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
First destination : Jogja!
Finally, I can write and share again about my journey, everything I shot with my camdi. For my loyal reader of my blog, this is it, my new experience, absolutely; I’ll never try to forget!
Bag packer! Ahaa… I never imagine being bag packer. This is my first experience!
I prepared everything for this journey, saving money, keep my health, and of course beg leave to my parents. Yep, those were tips for you if you wanna have a bag packing time like me.
Shortly, I went to Yogya with my friends, four men, and two women including me, my self. Hmm, brave enough! We entrain from Kiara Condong,
Believe it or not guys, I just need 350.000 rupiahs for five days in Yogya, including food, carfare, meet all bills and tickets, souvenirs, and many things. Wow! Out of my mind!
The most precious time was when Yogya celebrated my birthday ^^ I arrived in Yogya on October 18th 2009, in my birthday, in Yogya’s birthday also. Yep, I never celebrate my birthday in my hometown or my own place; I must go somewhere, new place. And how lucky I am, in this year, I celebrated my birthday in
Giant puppet! I dunno whether this is Rama, Gatot Kaca, Brahmana or not. Do you know? I only know that puppet is our heritage. Keep it as mine!!
Satan's teeth
I think the very bad giant doll above is a symbol of Satan. See! His sharp eyetooth, so terrifying! But I think, this brown Satan is not a lazy Satan, why? Look! How white and clean his teeth haha ^^ peace
Green Satan
I know this one; we called it Buta Ijo (Green Blind or Green Satan). Based on the story I knew, this Satan is very grumpy, conceited and magniloquent. Is that true guys?
Trash Robot
This is trash robot not scum of society ^^. See! How creative the creator of this robot, collect many rubbish and unite them become long robot. Two thumbs up!
My friends and I had belly laugh when saw the models. Watch! They are hermaphrodite models. Woow! They had strong confidence.
Javanese Bridegroom
Javanese Bridegroom! Hmm… around me, this is the hottest topic. One day, I become a bride too (Insha Allah) like in the picture but the different is that I’ll wear jilbab (scarf/ veil) in my wedding. I’ll tell you if that day comes through this blog, so keep blogging and read mine. ^^